Why was my Amazon Tracking denied?
TBA Tracking numbers like the numbers you upload for Amazon packages are only trackable by the purchaser of the item. Amazon specifically blocks anyone else from viewing it. So when you upload that TBA tracking number, It's as if you uploaded an ...
My Rematch gifter has not retrieved my info or sent my gift.
Two weeks after being allocated a rematch gifter, If they have not retrieved your information or shipped your gift you can submit a support ticket to be reallocated back to the rematch pool. Rematch gifters who fail to retreive their rematch giftee's ...
How do I mark my gift as shipped?
Your gift is ready to head to your Giftee! Whether you're shipping direct from a vendor or packing it up to take to the post office, the process for marking a gift as shipped are the same! Head over to the exchange that you are shipping a gift for ...
How do I add items to my wishlist?
Here is a guide on how to add a wishlist to your Profile or Exchange This can be a wishlist of multiple items or a singular item. How to add a Global Wishlist Head over to your account page Under your profile photo hit ...
How do I message my Gifter?
You can anonymously message your gifter directly from the exchange page! Under Exchange Actions, you'll see a box called Messages (From Gifter) In this message thread, you are the giftee. You are receiving a gift from this person. You can type any ...
How do I message my Giftee?
You can anonymously message your giftee directly from the exchange page! Under Exchange Actions, you'll see a box called Messages (To Giftee) In this message thread, you are the gifter. You are sending a gift to this person. You can type any message ...
How to be a Great Giftee
You've found an exchange that you'd like to sign up for, Below is a guide to help you as you Sign up, Get matched, and Post your gift! Please fill out all your preferences! Filing out these preferences with information pertaining to the exchange can ...
How to make a Gallery Post
Your gift has arrived! Time to share it with the world, Feel free to use this guide to help make your Gallery post. Try to get that gift posted as soon as possible. Your gifter has been anxiously awaiting your gift to arrive, The sooner you post ...
Why hasn't my premium membership activated?
Occasionally, our payment processor doesn't like to link to accounts; Because of this a staff member will need to manually activate your premium membership. All you'll need to do is submit a support ticket with your GivinGifts Username Email used ...
How do I provide shipping proof for a Postcard or Card exchange?
When shipping a postcard or card we understand that most users will ship with a stamp only, That's totally ok! When marking your gift as shipped you can write Shipping provider - Post office (USPS, Canada Post, Royal Mail, Etc.) Tracking ...
How do I upload shipping proof?
When Uploading shipping proof for your exchange you'll need to head over to the exchange page for the Exchange you are updating. under "Exchange Actions" You'll Find "Upload Shipping proof" This will be on the right side of your screen for a ...
Is there a GivinGifts app?
We do have an app! Below are the links to download the app! Apple Android Practically all app communications are done via the Official GivinGifts Discord, Bug Reports, App Updates, and more are all released on our Premium channel.
I'm disappointed in the gift I received, do I have to post it?
Yes, Posting the gift you received is a requirement here on GivinGifts. While we understand that receiving a gift that doesn't really match our description and preferences is frustrating, public shaming of your gifter is not acceptable. Shaming ...
My giftee only has expensive items on their wishlist!
A lot of people will add a wishlist to their profile that they use for other things Friends, Family, birthdays, holidays etc. You can just ignore the expensive stuff and focus on the things that would be more applicable to the budget of these ...
My Giftee hasn't posted my gift!
Sometimes, all you can do is wait it out. Please be patient with your giftee while you wait for them to post in the gallery. Unfortunately, You cannot always know whats going on in your giftee's life, there is always the possibility that the ...
My Giftee has sent me a different address to ship their gift to, Can I ship it?
If your Giftee has sent you a different address than the one listed on their GivinGifts account please Do not send a gift and reach out to Support immediately. If they have a different address listed in their Profile, Exchange Preference, or Sent to ...
How do I upload International shipping proof from USPS?
Looking to upload shipping proof from USPS for an international package? Shipping proof for USPS packages would be approved after the package is within the possession of USPS USPS - Label created online or purchased in Post office For a label that ...
How do I upload shipping proof from USPS?
Looking to upload shipping proof from USPS? There are a few type of shipping proof you can upload from USPS. Shipping proof for USPS packages would be approved after the package is within the possession of USPS See below to find a guide for each way. ...
How do I upload shipping proof from Etsy?
Looking to upload shipping proof from Etsy, With most Etsy packages there is a ability to track your package. From your Etsy Purchases page, scroll to the item you purchased and hit Track package. Order confirmation will not be approved. Below is ...
How do I submit shipping proof from Amazon?
Amazon TBA Tracking numbers are unfortunately only visible for tracking from the purchaser. Because of this you'll need to upload an image in order for your shipping proof to be approved. The only type of shipping proof from Amazon that would be ...
I've matched with my Parent / Sibling / Friend / Wife / Husband
This does occasionally happen when Relative Level Matching (RLM) is enabled and shipping preferences are similar. Since you have already been matched in the exchange you would not be able to change your match. Support can, however, make it that you ...
I've matched with the same giftee/gifter/person!
This does occasionally happen when Relative Level Matching is enabled and are using specific preferences, your pool size can shrink quite drastically. If you would like to not be matched with this user in the future please reach out to support!
When should I mark a gift as not recieved?
A gift should be marked as not received 5 days after the shipping deadline.
My rematch giftee recieved their original gift!
If you were allocated a rematch giftee and they have already posted a gift for the exchange that you are their rematch gifter for. Please, reach out to support and we can have you reallocated to another rematch giftee that has not received a gift.
What does Domestic > International > Worldwide mean?
This would match you domestically (within your country) if possible. If not then Internationally (within a local group of countries). If you can’t be matched internationally then you would be matched worldwide.
How do I sign up for Worldwide shipping?
Depending on your level, You can pull down the Matching Preferences on any exchange page and choose Worldwide. Minimum requirements for the matching preferences are: Level 0 - Domestic Level 2 - International Level 4 - Worldwide
My Giftee is banned!
Please, Do not send a gift. Depending on why your giftee was suspended they may have the ability to become unsuspended. You will receive an email if they become unsuspended before the exchange shipping date. If they do not become unsuspended or have ...
My Rematch Gifter never sent a gift!
There are a few steps to take if your rematch gifter has not sent your gift. Reach out to your gifter and see if they have any questions. Occasionally a rematch gifter might've forgotten that they were assigned a new giftee! After 2 weeks, If your ...
Will I be gifting to the same person who is gifting to me?
Quite simply? No! In very rare cases, this might occur - but we'd have to have less than 4 people in a matching block.
Will I be required to provide a phone number?
If signing up for international or worldwide matching, this will be required. However, we are looking into the viability of providing one-time phone numbers that direct to you for this purpose..
What is direct rematching?
With direct rematching enabled, people viewing your profile (or a list of people with it enabled on the exchange pages) are able to instantly allocate themselves as a rematcher to you after viewing your profile. We understand that some people might ...
What happens if I sign up to be a rematch gifter?
You will be signing up to send a gift to a person who failed to receive one from their original gifter. You will not receive an extra gift in return for this, but will receive the standard exchange experience in return.
What happens if I send gifts that have nothing to do with the theme of an exchange?
Your account will be investigated, and you will likely be warned. If warnings persist, your account is at risk of being suspended.
What happens if I receive a "bad" gift?
First of all, please use the rating system when posting your gift in order to reflect this. Secondly, please do not post a negative post - a simple "thank you" will do in this scenario. If you have received a gift that makes no sense however, or is ...
What happens if I don't send a gift for an exchange?
Quite simply, you will be suspended until you hold up your end of the bargain.
What do the matching preferences mean?
Our matching preferences let you define an action to take when we are unable to find a match in your selected group. They are defined in priority order, so Domestic > Drop would mean 'drop me from this exchange if you can't find a domestic match', ...
What constitutes valid shipping proof?
Either a verifiable tracking number (Amazon TBA numbers are not verifiable), or a screenshot of a page showing that an order has been shipped - with the destination name and address.
If I'm rematched, how long will I have to wait to receive a rematch gift?
We allocate rematch gifters to giftees every 30 minutes. Sometimes however, we don't have enough rematchers for an exchange - in this scenario, we are unable to guarantee a timeframe.
I have a Reddit Gifts account, is it too late to link it?
Contact support with your GivinGifts username and your RedditGifts username and we'll see what we can do!
I didn't receive a gift, what should I do?
5 days after the shipping deadline, an exchange will be marked as reportable - and if you have not marked a gift as received, the Report No Gift action will become available. - If your gifter has had their shipping proof approved, you will not be ...
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