How much should I spend on an exchange?
Each exchange will have a minimum value set, and this can be seen on each exchange page.
How do I delete my account?
Please contact us and request your account be deleted. In line with our GDPR policy, we will review your deletion request. Once accounts are deleted, your details will be automatically blacklisted to prevent us inadvertently retaining your data once ...
How do I create an exchange?
If you have a premium membership, you are able to create an exchange from the premium control panel by clicking Create Exchange.
Am I required to post in the gift gallery upon receipt?
Yes! If shipping proof from your gifter has been approved, you have 2 weeks from the close of the exchange to post a gallery post - or you risk being temporarily suspended from the platform. If a gift is still in transit, your deadline changes ...
Am I allowed multiple accounts?
No. Multiple accounts will lead to your account being banned and address being blacklisted.